

主营业务: 磁选设备/磁选机、除铁设备/除铁机、永磁/磁辊/磁棒、矿山机械制造定制



磁选机 / 除铁机 / 电磁除铁器 / 电池材料除磁 / 锂电池材料磁选


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▉  产品概述  Product overview


The electromagnetic slurry machine adopts stainless steel shell, which is beautiful and easy to clean; The magnetic field distribution is uniform, the magnetic field gradient is high and the energy consumption is low; The inner part adopts oxide film coil, which has excellent performance of temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, conductivity and electric field strength; Generally, the battery slurry has weak acid or alkaline, and the cavity is made of food grade 316L stainless steel inner wall throwing tube, which has effective corrosion resistance; Water oil double cooling system is adopted to reduce the temperature by 20 ℃, prolong the coil life and make the machine performance more stable; The upper part of the magnetic cavity adopts the design of easy disassembly interface, which is convenient for production, use and disassembly. The medium net is made of special materials, which is easy to clean and not easy to rust. It is convenient for iron removal and no residue; The valve is made of imported material to avoid the influence of copper, iron and zinc on the raw slurry; Automatic operation, no additional manual operation; Compared with the previous models, the output is higher, the power is increased, and the magnetic field intensity is doubled. It is suitable for large production lines in the battery liquid industry.

▉  适用范围  Scope of application


Electromagnetic slurry machine is widely used in battery materials, ceramics, glass, chemical industry, electronics, food, medicine and other industries to remove iron impurities and magnetic substances.

▉  产品优势  Product advantages

  • 优化结构设计,降低运行能耗。

  • 采用***油道冷却技术,线圈升温<25℃,线圈运行稳定可靠。

  • 磁路设计科学,磁场梯度高。

  • 产品外形美观且方便售后。

  • Optimize the structure design and reduce the operation energy consumption.

  • The patented oil channel cooling technology is adopted, the coil temperature rises less than 25 ℃, and the coil is stable and reliable.

  • Scientific magnetic circuit design, high magnetic field gradient.

  • The product is beautiful in appearance and convenient for after-sales.

▉  型号/技术参数  Model / technical parameters

  • 各种条件或因素可能会造成偏差,请以实际为准。

  • 更多参数及型号可致电了解



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